Anger is the leading cause to violence to self and others.


Research shows that anger is common, and everyone has experienced anger. Researchers agree that it’s normal and healthy to feel angry from time to time in response to certain situations (i.e., betrayal, abandonment, neglect, etc.). Anger is the alarm system that informs our body that something is bothering us and that we need to act in response to trauma. Therefore, anger is a core piece of a person’s response to survive and a natural survival instinct. Anger is used to help people to cope with life's stresses by giving them the energy to keep going in the face of trouble or blocks. However, the intensity of a person’s anger can range from annoyance to extreme rage.

Consequently, anger can create major problems in the personal lives of those who have experienced trauma. Unresolved trauma can mask itself beneath depression, anxiety, anger, and violence (homicidal and suicidal actions). The shock from trauma often affects how well a person learns to control his or her emotions. When a person is angry, they may find it difficult to use their cognitive processes effectively and therefore lose control of themselves. A person who has unresolved trauma may exhibit or manifest impulsive, aggressive, irrational, or unhelpful responses such as senseless violence. 

Pastor Charlotte Williams


This workshop is designed to be used as a tool to help participants:

Understand anger and its function
Identify signs of anger and trauma
Express anger appropriately
Identify personal triggers for anger and trauma and how to resolve those issues in a healthy and productive manner. 

OBJECTIVE: Learning how to control Anger

Participants will learn how to reduce the frequency, intensity, duration, and specific modes of expression of anger.
Participates will have the skills to identify their anger triggers.
Participates will have the skills to identify early warning signs of their anger.
Participates will develop the skills to avoid anger.
Participates will develop coping skills and learn strategies to implement when anger issues can’t be avoided. 

By the end of this workshop

Participates will identify their anger triggers.
Participates will be able to build or create a support system that will hold them accountable for their actions.
Participates will be able to have at least two techniques to calm themselves down.
Participates will be able to create and implement an Emotions chart.
Participants will be able to verbalize and make sense of why they were experiencing and exhibiting anger behaviors.
Participants will be able to give their trauma a name to identify their anger
Participants will have the confidence they need to DO better.
Participants will create a calming box. 

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